"Mulai dengan Bismillah, Luruskan Niat. Allah Maha Melihat!"


Five Steps to Personal Power

By Brian Tracy

There is a five-step power process that you can use to keep yourself positive and to achieve your goals faster. This five-step process brings together several of the very best techniques ever discovered for permanent mind change. It contains and illustrates all of the key principles that you need to know to become a highly effective, positive "possibility thinker" in your own life.

Imagine Your Perfect Future
Perhaps the biggest obstacle to creating a wonderful life is "self-limiting beliefs." Everyone has them, and some people have so may of them that they are almost paralyzed when it comes to taking action. A self-limiting belief is an idea you have that you are limited in some way, in terms of time, talent, intelligence, money, ability, or opportunity. The way you free yourself from these negative brakes on your potential is to change your thinking about who you are and what is truly possible for you.

Show Me the Money
Start with your income. How much do you want to be earning, one, two, three, and five years from today? Look around you and ask, "Who else is earning the kind of money I want to earn, and what are they doing differently from me?" If you don't know or you aren't sure, go and ask them. Do your homework.

Design Your Perfect Life
Imagine your perfect lifestyle. If you had no limitations at all, how would you like to live, day in and day out? If you were financially independent, what kind of home would you live in? What kind of car would you want to drive? What kind of life would you like to provide for your family? What sort of activities would you like to engage in throughout the week, month, and year?

Turn Your Ideal into Reality
When you sit down and design your ideal lifestyle, you can then compare it to what you are doing today and notice the differences. You can then start thinking about how you could bring your real or current lifestyle closer to your ideal. When you idealize your income and your lifestyle, you develop vision for your life. You begin to practice a key quality of personal leadership. You begin projecting into the future and making plans to turn your future dreams into a current reality.

The Person you Become
Create an ideal future self in terms of your personal and professional development. What kind of person do you want to be in the future? What additional knowledge and skills do you want to acquire? In what areas would you like to become absolutely excellent? What subjects would you like to master? What do you need to learn to move up in your field? What is your growth plan to get from where you are to where you want to go?

Action Exercise
Look for something good in every problem or difficulty. Practice being an inverse paranoid, convinced that there is a vast conspiracy to make you successful.


The ABCDE Method for Setting Priorities

By: Brian Tracy

Efficiency is doing things right. Effectiveness is doing the right things. Your ability to plan and organize your work, in advance, so you are always working on your highest value tasks determines your success as much as any other factor.

The ABCDE Method for Priorities
The process of setting short-term priorities begins with a pad of paper and a pen. Whenever you feel overwhelmed by too many things to do and too little time in which to do them, sit down, take a deep breath, and list all those tasks you need to accomplish. Although there is never enough time to do everything, there is always enough time to do the most important things, and to stay with them until they are done right.

Setting Better Priorities
The best method for setting priorities on your list, once you have determined your major goals or objectives, is the A-B-C-D-E method. You place one of those letters in the margin before each of the tasks on your list before you begin.

"A" stands for "very important;" something you must do. There can be serious negative consequences if you don't do it.

"B" stands for "important;" something you should do. This is not as important as your 'A' tasks. There are only minor negative consequences if it is not completed.

"C" stands for things that are "nice to do;" but which are not as important as 'A' or 'B,' tasks. There are no negative consequences for not completing it.

"D" stands for "delegate." You can assign this task to someone else who can do the job instead of you.

"E" stands for "eliminate, whenever possible." You should eliminate every single activity you possibly can, to free up your time.

When you use the A-B-C-D-E method, you can very easily sort out what is important and unimportant. This then will focus your time and attention on those items on your list that are most essential for you to do.

Just Say No
Once you can clearly determine the one or two things that you should be doing, above all others, just say no to all diversions and distractions and focus single-mindedly on accomplishing those priorities.

Much stress that you experience in your work life comes from working on low-priority tasks. The amazing discovery is that as soon as you start working on your highest-value activity, all your stress disappears. You feel a continuous stream of energy and enthusiasm. As you work toward the completion of something that is really important, you feel an increased sense of personal value and inner satisfaction. You experience a sensation of self-mastery and self-control. You feel calm, confident and capable.

Action Exercises
Here are three ideas that you can use, every day, to help you set priorities and to keep you working at your best:

First, take the time to be clear about your goals and objectives so that the priorities you set are moving you in the direction of something that is of real value to you.

Second, remember that what counts is not the amount of time that you put in overall; rather, it's the amount of time that you spend working on high-priority tasks.

Third, understand that the most important factor in setting priorities is your ability to make wise choices. You are always free to choose to engage in one activity or another.

Resolve today to set clear priorities in every area of your life, and always choose the activities that will assure you the greatest health, happiness and prosperity in the long term.


Inspirasi Pohon Apel

Suatu ketika, hiduplah sebatang pohon apel besar dan anak lelaki yang senang bermain-main di bawah pohon apel itu setiap hari. Ia senang memanjatnya hingga ke pucuk pohon, memakan buahnya, tidur-tiduran di keteduhan rindang daun-daunnya. Anak lelaki itu sangat mencintai pohon apel itu. Demikian pula, pohon apel sangat mencintai anak kecil itu.

Waktu terus berlalu. Anak lelaki itu kini telah tumbuh besar dan tidak lagi bermain-main dengan pohon apel itu setiap harinya. Suatu hari ia mendatangi pohon apel. Wajahnya tampak sedih. "Ayo ke sini bermain-main lagi denganku," pinta pohon apel itu.

"Aku bukan anak kecil yang bermain-main dengan pohon lagi." jawab anak lelaki itu. "Aku ingin sekali memiliki mainan, tapi aku tak punya uang untuk membelinya."

Pohon apel itu menyahut, "Duh, maaf aku pun tak punya uang... tetapi kau boleh mengambil semua buah apelku dan menjualnya. Kau bisa mendapatkan uang untuk membeli mainan kegemaranmu."

Anak lelaki itu sangat senang. Ia lalu memetik semua buah apel yang ada di pohon dan pergi dengan penuh suka cita. Namun, setelah itu anak lelaki tak pernah datang lagi. Pohon apel itu kembali sedih.

Suatu hari anak lelaki itu datang lagi. Pohon apel sangat senang melihatnya datang. "Ayo bermain-main denganku lagi." kata pohon apel

"Aku tak punya waktu," jawab anak lelaki itu. "Aku harus bekerja untuk keluargaku. Kami membutuhkan rumah untuk tempat tinggal. Maukah kau menolongku?"

"Duh, maaf aku pun tak memiliki rumah. Tapi kau boleh menebang semua dahan rantingku untuk membangun rumahmu." kata pohon apel.

Kemudian, anak lelaki itu menebang semua dahan dan ranting pohon apel itu dan pergi dengan gembira. Pohon apel itu juga merasa bahagia melihat anak lelaki itu senang, tapi anak lelaki itu tak pernah kembali lagi. Pohon apel itu merasa kesepian dan sedih.

Pada suatu musim panas, anak lelaki itu datang lagi. Pohon apel merasa sangat bersuka cita menyambutnya. "Ayo bermain-main lagi deganku." kata pohon apel.

"Aku sedih," kata anak lelaki itu. "Aku sudah tua dan ingin hidup tenang. Aku ingin pergi berlibur dan berlayar. Maukah kau memberi aku sebuah kapal untuk pesiar?"

"Duh, maaf aku tak punya kapal, tapi kau boleh memotong batang tubuhku dan menggunakannya untuk membuat kapal yang kau mau. Pergilah berlayar dan bersenang-senanglah."

Kemudian, anak lelaki itu memotong batang pohon apel itu dan membuat kapal yang diidamkannya. Ia lalu pergi berlayar dan tak pernah lagi datang menemui pohon apel itu.

Akhirnya, anak lelaki itu datang lagi setelah bertahun-tahun kemudian.

"Maaf, anakku," kata pohon apel itu. "Aku sudah tak memiliki buah apel lagi untukmu."

"Tak apa. Aku pun sudah tak memiliki gigi untuk mengigit buah apelmu." jawab anak lelaki itu.

"Aku juga tak memiliki batang dan dahan yang bisa kau panjat." kata pohon apel.

"Sekarang, aku sudah terlalu tua untuk itu." jawab anak lelaki itu.

"Aku benar-benar tak memiliki apa-apa lagi yang bisa aku berikan padamu. Yang tersisa hanyalah akar-akarku yang sudah tua dan sekarat ini." kata pohon apel itu sambil menitikkan air mata.

"Aku tak memerlukan apa-apa lagi sekarang." kata anak lelaki. "Aku hanya mEmbutuhkan tempat untuk beristirahat. Aku sangat lelah setelah sekian lama meninggalkanmu."

"Oooh, bagus sekali. Tahukah kau, akar-akar pohon tua adalah tempat terbaik untuk berbaring dan beristirahat. Mari, marilah berbaring di pelukan akar-akarku dan beristirahatlah dengan tenang."

Anak lelaki itu berbaring di pelukan akar-akar pohon. Pohon apel itu sangat gembira dan tersenyum sambil meneteskan air matanya.

Ini adalah cerita tentang kita semua. Pohon apel itu adalah orang tua kita.

Ketika kita muda, kita senang bermain-main dengan ayah dan ibu kita.

Ketika kita tumbuh besar, kita meninggalkan mereka, dan hanya datang ketika kita memerlukan sesuatu atau dalam kesulitan.

Tak peduli apa pun, orang tua kita akan selalu ada di sana untuk memberikan apa yang bisa mereka berikan untuk membuat kita bahagia.

Anda mungkin berpikir bahwa anak lelaki itu telah bertindak sangat kasar pada pohon itu, tetapi begitulah cara kita memperlakukan orang tua kita.

Sampaikan pada orang tua kita sekarang, betapa kita mencintainya; dan berterima kasih atas seluruh hidup yang telah dan akan diberikannya pada kita.
Semoga bermanfaat!